Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Review: Mr. Fox

Mr. Fox
Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi

My rating: 1 of 5 stars

HATED IT WITH A PASSION! Initially I thought the style and technique would make this an interesting read, but it was awful the way the "stories" kept jumping around. Basically, the main character of this book is an author, Mr. Fox, who is married to Daphane, but "appears" to be having an affair with a lady named Mary. You soon realize that "Mary" is actually a character in Mr. Foxes writing. I primarily listened to this book via the "text to speech" feature on my Kindle Fire. Perhaps this caused me to be LESS focused on the book than I should or else otherwise would have been if I were engage in actively "reading" it. Perhaps I just don't quite "get it"! I don't know for sure, but I know I didn't like it.

After completing the book and doing some digging into other reviews I did learn that this book is a sort of twisted spin on fairy tales and folklore, thus, if you aren't familiar with them, such as myself, you may find yourself just as confused as I was. So with that said, if fairy tales and folklore are your cup of tea, then you may well enjoy this book. As for me....NEXT.......OH, first I've got to participate in a book discussion with my girlfriends who forced me to read this book.

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