Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Review: Clarity Is Divine

Clarity Is Divine
Clarity Is Divine by Kelsi Marie Arceneaux

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Truth spoken! The author of this book shares her real life story, the positive and the not-so-positive. She does this for our benefit though because oftentimes we don't want to face the truth until it slaps us in the face. This book will slap your face! I definitely saw some of ME in her story and thankful for the positive words of encouragement to keep pressing on even when you slip and fall (read as DIVE HEAD FIRST, lol). I appreciate Kelsi's honesty and boldness to share the truth in spite of what others may say about her in order to help those that are having a hard time finding their way out of that deep abyss they dove head first into thinking it was going to be all FUN, but quickly realized there is no light at the end. Use this book as a light to help guide you out and towards the love of Christ.

I used the text-to-speech option for the majority of this book as I listened on my commute to and from work. I plan to RE-READ because there are some points and truths that are important enough to read over and over again.

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