Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Review: Sex in the Sanctuary

Sex in the Sanctuary
Sex in the Sanctuary by Lutishia Lovely

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A whirlwind of emotions throughout this book! The author really nailed it in this book when it comes to "reality" as it relates to singleness and the desire to be married at almost any cost and the attack of the enemy on men called to do the work of the Lord and how it affects their families. Infidelity is difficult to deal with from any standpoint, but when it happens in the First Family its magnified even the more.

In this story you will journey along and share in the emotional rollercoaster one first lady has in dealing with her husbands infidelity, a saved single women who is so sure she has heard the voice of God that she does the "unthinkable", a saved single man who is trusting God for His best for him and doesn't surrender to his flesh and a mirade of characters in between.

The language to me was at bit on the extreme for "contemporary Christian" fiction. It's raw, but real so if you can get past that as I did you will enjoy this story and feel that it is something that you could see played out in almost any church, BUT for God! This is how I felt until just before the very end when I was like "Why did she mess it up by putting this in the book!", LOL. The ending will having you cracking up in utter disbelief about what one character did, but you will feel sorry for her too.

If not for the lanquage and one too many steamy sex scenes I would have given this 5 stars

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