Cat-Eyes the Chameleon

Cat-Eyes the Chameleon


This is an awesome group of Christian Women who use Periscope. "PeriSistersinChrist", check them out.

Twitter Posts:


I've committed to doing a post a day in January, 2012 as part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge.  This blog roll will feature some Bloggers I'll be following and supporting during this challenge.  If you would like to be featured here AND reciprocate please comment below so we can connect.

Support the participants by clicking the links below.


  1. Oh, I like this idea! Thanks for following me on twitter - I'm excited to read your posts and see where your adventure in blogging will take you! Fun!

  2. @Lori - Thanks! I've added a link to your blog, which is awesome. If more people would spend time doing what your blog focuses on more marriages would succeed!


THANK YOU! I really appreciate when people take the time to comment. :-)